Releases HISTORY --------------- RAINBOW PORTAL Main portal - Sourceforge CVS - Support Forums - Bug Tracker: NOTE: All data are in Italian format day/month/year! New Setup: - Create an empty db called Rainbow. Updating database: - Run web, a page will prompt you for update - Follow carefully instructions - IMPORTANT NOTE on web.config ConnectionString value: Integrated security changes object owner to ASPNET account. It is not recommended to switch access login ***************************************************** - 02/03/2005 by Manu - FIX: Newsletter for case sensitive databases - FIX: Minor fixes by Jonhantan - ENH: Better viewstate management on some modules - ENH: Enhanced security on FileDirectory tree (allows only rainbow virtual path) - 28/02/2005 by Manu - FIX: Minor fixes in clean install Moved Content Manager as last module Included LanguageSwitcher in list Other minor fixes - FIX: Better null handling on page key phrase - FIX: Minor cleanup on project by Jonhantan - FIX: Fixed base path on FCK2 by Ozan Sirin ( - FIX: Changed "EMAIL" to "Email" in Newsletter_install.sql for accent and case sensitive DBMSs - 27/02/2005 by Manu - FIX: Improved the install scripts and fixed some bugs - ENH: Brand new default portal content - ENH: Language switcher default is now DropDown - FIX: Lanugage list now matches current cultures - FIX: Other minor fixes by Frano - Updated hr resources - 12/02/2005 by John Mandia( - FIX: RBM-215: Added try catch block in User Profile to catch any issues. PROFILE_INFO_ERROR new textkey that needs to be localised. - 12/02/2005 by John Mandia( - FIX: RBP-639: Duplicate registration now provides a friendlier message. Needs to be localised in Esperantus resx files key = REGISTRATION_FAILED_EXISTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS. Message shown by default is: "Registration has failed. This email address has already been registered. Please use a different email address or use the 'Send Password' button on the login page." Also moved error message to the top of the page so that people can see the message more easily on postback. - 12/02/2005 by John Mandia( - FIX: RBM-216: AddModule doesn't show help icon if a module is selected on the drop down and has a help file associated with it. - ENH: Added Announcements description help file (Contributed by Jason Kergosien) - 10/02/2005 by Manu - FIX: fixed sitemap module guid - FIX: updated browscap - 8/02/2005 by Jos Viladiu - FIX: Corrections in menunavigation and solpartnavigation for change Default.aspx to HttpUrlBuilder.DefaultPage - ENH: Add cache for autoshopdetect in tabs - ENH: Rewrite some methods in ModuleDB for best error control and add log error messages. - 7/02/2005 by Jes1111 - FIX: small error in XslHelper BuildUrl method corrected - ENH: Page.cs now wraps page in a
with id and class set to allow browser-specific CSS rules to be used. Common values for ID are: Explorer: IE Firefox: Gecko Netscape: Gecko Opera: Opera Usage is simple. To apply a particular CSS ruleset to IE browsers only, prefix the selector like this: div#IE p.normal{...} div#Gecko p.normal{...} etc. - 7/02/2005 by Jos Viladiu - FIX: RBM-213 Flash Module is looking for sample flash file in old Rainbow directory. Now get the correct portal path. - FIX: Change default extension for log file in web.config to prevent unauthorized access from internet. - 5/02/2005 by John Mandia( - FIX: RBP-76 - Applied fix to Rainbow.Settings. - 5/02/2005 by John Mandia( - FIX: All module solution files (solution file within module folder) were broken. - 5/02/2005 by John Mandia( - FIX: RBM-222 Altered setup script to not delete existing table. And also added cascading delete so that when you delete a module it clears up the related data. - FIX: Solution in blog module folder no longer worked. - 4/02/2005 by Jos Viladiu - ENH : Added Options in MapQuest module for show a zoom selector. - ENH : New translations added for Spanish resource file - FIX : Center the results in PropertyPage.aspx - FIX : Changed mid by mID in a lot of places - 3/02/2005 by Jos Viladiu - ENH/FIX : Language list selection now from a multiselectlist with only the languages with resources installed. This enhancement fix the bug RBP-642 because now is not possible to add duplicate languages in list. - ENH : Update SolpartWebControls.dll - 2/02/2005 by Mike Stone for Grischa Brockhaus - FIX : Tabs Cache not cleared correclty Jira Issue RBM-220 - 31/01/2005 by Jos Viladiu - FIX : Corrections in url build for selector web control - FIX : Corrections in EnhancedHtml for no show the selected page when lang is changed. - 29/01/2005 by Jakob Hansen - FIX : Updated all OneFileModule examples so they will run with the Rainbow.Modules.OneFileModule.dll assembly - DOC : Quote Module: Described how to set up a folder for quote files using key QuoteFileFolder in web.config. Please see DesktopModules\Quote\readme.txt for details - 28/01/2005 by Jos Viladiu - ENH : Not show module title in theme when title is empty (logon.aspx, register.aspx and usersmanage.aspx) This change make possible to show the correct ThemePart ControlNoTitle instead of ControlTitle. - 28/01/2005 by Mike Stone For: Grischa - ENH : New translations added to the German resource file - 27/01/2005 by Rob Siera - FIX : Email with NewRegistration info was send even if registration was not successfull - FIX : Edit portal settings failed when not using /Portals directory - 27/01/2005 by Jos Viladiu - FIX : Added F11 compile option in module projects for no warn - FIX : Remove obsolete tag in LogHelper methods for modules can access to logger in old style. Removed unused obsolete methods. Now all methods can access to LogProvider implementation. - 26/01/2005 by Jes1111 - FIX: Menus in Default, Default Alternate and DueMetri themes were not rendering properly in non-IE browsers. "@import" statements were at the end of the CSS files - the CSS standard specifically states that @import statements must occur before any style rules. They have now been moved to the top. - FIX: Small correction in Zen Starter theme CSS to correct ZenNavigation drop-down menu behaviour in non-IE browsers. - 25/01/2005 by Manu - ENH: Upgraded Amazon to version 2.0, with cache and promocode. - Updates some resources - First release of nant tool for modules (need some fixes) - 25/01/2005 by Jes1111 - FIX : Certain module types were not minimizing properly - fixed in PortalModuleControl.cs - 25/01/2005 by Jos Viladiu - ENH : Show the type of module in moduleSettings - 24/01/2005 by John Mandia ( - NEW: 2 controls added for advanced users and testers (They are not used by default) SmartScroller (A control you can drop onto DesktopDefault.aspx so that you retain scroll position after postback seems to work on firefox and ie - I've lost the url for the source of this control if you find it please add here.) Custom Form (From this lets you set action="" which prevents ?tabid=x&etc on postback on friendly urls (Note that this needs testing. If you have a login on homepage it could throw a viewstate error. This is for evaluation and advanced users only). e.g. <%@ Page language="C#" SmartNavigation="False" CodeBehind="DesktopDefault.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Rainbow.DesktopDefault"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="rbc" Namespace="Rainbow.UI.WebControls" Assembly="Rainbow" %> - ENH: UrlProviders now support cache time and invalidation (UrlBuilder exposes a Clear method to clean out stored Url Elements e.g. HttpUrlBuilder.Clear(tabId). This is called from TabSettings when an update occurs. If you don't want to set a time expiration on Url Elements set cache time to 0 (submitted for testing). - ENH: Tabsettings: Url Page Name and Url Keyword moved to Navigation Settings instead of Meta Settings (As they are url settings) - ENH: On 3 Panes Layouts/Themes if a module does not load up and you are part of the admins group you get the error message so you have some idea of what went wrong. - 24/01/2005 by Jos Viladiu - FIX : RBP-625 Cached module Guid - FIX : Remove visual studio user option files from cvs - FIX : Remove Module librarys from cvs - FIX : Add removed files to .cvsignore - 24/01/2005 by John Mandia ( - NEW & MOD : Seperated all modules into private assemblies from the core (Apart from workflow and LanguageSwitcher as these are called from the core) Created Solution file for each module and also one in the root of DesktopModules which lets you build all modules in one go. Updated history.xml so that it will reinstall all modules and pick up the new dlls. All modules now have dlls in the following format Rainbow.Modules.ModuleName.dll Namespaces are still kept the same to reduce the change of any breaking changes. All projects deploy to bin folder and have been setup as debug type of url pointing at http://localhost/rainbow/default.aspx (This lets you debug individual modules). Nant build scripts still need to be changed to reflect the change. This dramtically increases the number of dlls in the bin folder (There are 67 new dlls) and highlights the fact that there are a lot of modules bundled in the core. This gives people the choice of only having the modules they are interested in (they can uninstall modules and remove non essential modules from the bin folder) It also means we can update modules without having to re-release the core (So minor updates can be done on a per module basis and if you do not use that module you do not need to do an update). - 23/01/2005 by Mike Stone - NEW : Added a new DataType CheckBoxListDataType which of course allows us to pass in datasource and Value and Text. You can then select more then one item. for more information see Jira Issue RBP-632 - 23/01/2005 by Jakob Hansen - NEW : Added new module "Quote". From the readme.txt: Display a random text string, e.g.: "Not all who wander are lost -- Tolkien". The text is read from a file or entered by the user. It is possible to select other files than the provided demo file. You can control the size of the text and if the the text should be in italic and/or bold. A set of userdefined start and end html tags are provided for customizing. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) Add manually. To avoid causing problems for RC4 you have to add to module manually. 2) This new module does not use the database for anything apart from the Setting system - 22/01/2005 by Mike Stone - FIX : A problem found FAQs and Tasks modules where after a clean install if if you tried to intall the modules again there was an error. YOU DO NOT need to reinstall these"> /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public void UpdateContact(int moduleID, int itemID, string userName, string name, string role, string email, string contact1, string contact2, string Fax, string Address) { if (userName.Length < 1) { userName = "unknown"; } // Create Instance of Connection and Command Object SqlConnection myConnection = PortalSettings.SqlConnectionString; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("rb_UpdateContact", myConnection); // Mark the Command as a SPROC myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Add Parameters to SPROC SqlParameter parameterItemID = new SqlParameter("@ItemID", SqlDbType.Int, 4); parameterItemID.Value = itemID; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterItemID); SqlParameter parameterUserName = new SqlParameter("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100); parameterUserName.Value = userName; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterUserName); SqlParameter parameterName = new SqlParameter("@Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100); parameterName.Value = name; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterName); SqlParameter parameterRole = new SqlParameter("@Role", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100); parameterRole.Value = role; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterRole); SqlParameter parameterEmail = new SqlParameter("@Email", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100); parameterEmail.Value = email; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterEmail); SqlParameter parameterContact1 = new SqlParameter("@Contact1", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100); parameterContact1.Value = contact1; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterContact1); SqlParameter parameterContact2 = new SqlParameter("@Contact2", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100); parameterContact2.Value = contact2; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterContact2); SqlParameter parameterFax = new SqlParameter("@Fax", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100); parameterFax.Value = Fax; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterFax); SqlParameter parameterAddress = new SqlParameter("@Address", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100); parameterAddress.Value = Address; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterAddress); myConnection.Open(); try { myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { myConnection.Close(); } } } }/* SUGGESTIONS: -if the module has workflow, use the workflow table!!!! -you can copy the list of fields for the _CopyItem sproc from the Add method of that module. Ex get the fields for rb_Announcements_CopyItem from rb_AddAnnouncement. Just copy+paste the list twice, add the rest and use the @ModuleID field. -the _Summary function MUST, MUST,MUST return both the ItemID field(named ItemID, you can alias it for others) ItemDesc(alias + concatenate the fields you want into this one) -Add a record into the rb_ContentManager for the sprocs you made. */ /***************************************************************************************/ if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[rb_GetAnnoucements_Summary]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [rb_GetAnnoucements_Summary] GO CREATE PROCEDURE rb_GetAnnoucements_Summary ( @ModuleID int ) AS SELECT ItemID, Title + ':: ' + LEFT(Description,200) As ItemDesc FROM rb_Announcements_st WHERE ModuleID = @ModuleID GO /***************************************************************************************/ if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[rb_Announcements_CopyItem]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [rb_Announcements_CopyItem] GO CREATE PROCEDURE rb_Announcements_CopyItem ( @ItemID int, /*Item that will be copied*/ @TargetModuleID int /*Where to copy it to*/ ) AS INSERT INTO rb_Announcements_st( ModuleID, CreatedByUser, CreatedDate, Title, MoreLink, MobileMoreLink, ExpireDate, Description) SELECT @TargetModuleID, CreatedByUser, CreatedDate, Title, MoreLink, MobileMoreLink, ExpireDate, Description FROM rb_Announcements_st WHERE ItemID = @ItemID GO /***************************************************************************************/ if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[rb_Announcements_MoveItem]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [rb_Announcements_MoveItem] GO CREATE PROCEDURE rb_Announcements_MoveItem ( @ItemID int, @TargetModuleID int ) AS UPDATE rb_Announcements_st SET ModuleID = @TargetModuleID WHERE ItemID = @ItemID GO /***************************************************************************************/ if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[rb_Announcements_CopyAll]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [rb_Announcements_CopyAll] GO CREATE PROCEDURE rb_Announcements_CopyAll ( @SourceModuleID int, /*Item that will be copied*/ @TargetModuleID int /*Where to copy it to*/ ) AS INSERT INTO rb_Announcements_st( ModuleID, CreatedByUser, CreatedDate, Title, MoreLink, MobileMoreLink, ExpireDate, Description) SELECT @TargetModuleID, CreatedByUser, CreatedDate, Title, MoreLink, MobileMoreLink, ExpireDate, Description FROM rb_Announcements_st WHERE ModuleID = @SourceModuleID GO INSERT INTO rb_ContentManager( GeneralModDefID, FriendlyName, SummarySproc, CopyItemSproc, MoveItemSproc, CopyAllSproc, DeleteItemSproc ) VALUES('CE55A821-2449-4903-BA1A-EC16DB93F8DB', 'Announcements', 'rb_GetAnnoucements_Summary', 'rb_Announcements_CopyItem', 'rb_Announcements_MoveItem', 'rb_Announcements_CopyAll', 'rb_DeleteAnnouncement') GO 8 BYN@@Y Y Y  Y  Y Y  Y Y  Y d Y  PY  Y  Y  Y  "Y &Y *Y .Y 2Y 6Y :Y >Y Y BForum_ID Cat_IDForum_OrderForum_name"Forum_descriptionDate_StartedNo_of_topicsNo_of_postsPasswordForum_code LockedReadPostReply_postsEdit_postsDelete_postsPriority_postsPoll_createVoteAttachmentsImage_uploadHideShow_topics@A @B@CYNYnYYYY,.rE.rF Cat_IDForum_codePrimaryKey*tblCategoriestblForumv1 ? @ ? B ? @h YNEEY  Y PY Y Y  Y Y Group_IDNameMinimum_postsSpecial_rank StarsCustom_starsStarting_grouplIMeEGSSrdeaEHntY YY.rCPrimaryKeytblGroup_IDv1@@DwW1dSenior Member(GroupieNewbieWModerator GroupGuestAdmin Group D @FFFFFF D @FFFFFF TYNJJY Y  Y PGuest_IDThread_IDName YJKrJLDAh_JMgeYYYgYGuest_IDPrimaryKey*tblThreadtblGuestNameThread_IDv1  I but dont want to give them full rights. NOTE: PLEASE CHECK YOUR SITE. IF YOU HAVE ADMIN MODULES ON NORMAL TABS AND YOU HAVE NOT UPDATED VIEW PERMISSIONS TO REMOVE ALL USERS THEN THEY WILL BE ABLE TO SEE YOUR ADMIN MODULE. LOGOUT OF YOUR SITE AND BROWSE THE PAGES WHERE YOU PLACED ADMIN MODULES TO ENSURE THEY ARE NOT VIEWABLE BY ALL USERS. - 16/08/2004 by John Mandia ( - Added Introduction Help File For Role Assignment Module (Xsl for help system still needs to be done). - 15/08/2004 by John Mandia ( - Tidied up Admin & AdminAll Folders (Removed aspx pages that were no longer used, Moved all modules to DesktopModules to have 1 place for all modules). - Appended "Admin - " To all modules that may give average users too much power (e.g. The DB Tool module) and marked them as Admin Modules. - Fixed unknown bug in Security.cs (When checking for publish permissions it was calling the wrong stored procedure). - Removed a duplicate stored procedure (Checked code to make sure there were no references to it - rb_GetAuthPublishRoles). - Added Additional methods to Security.cs to allow the retrieval of roles for different types of permissions easily. - Added Additional methods to UsersDB.cs: GetUsersNoRole (Retrieve all users who are not assigned to a particular group) and GetRoleNonMembers (Retrieve all users who do not belong to the role specified) and added two stored procedures to support this methods. - Added New Module - Role Assignment (Allows you to easily add or remove a user or multiple users to/from a role and allows you to assign users who have no role to a role. - Added a foundation for a help system so people can start to add help documentation for their modules (Soon to be followed by core help files and extension help files). A new directory now exists "Documentation" within that are 4 folders: Core, Extensions, Modules and Style. Currently only Modules and Style will be used. Create a folder in "Modules" that matches the name of the modules' folder in DesktopModules. Add an image folder to it if you will use images. Create a help doc in DITA format ( I recommend using the Desktop version of authentic 2004 (You can download a free version from You can either use the existing DITA example as a template or create a new one. Save the xml file as Documentation.xml to /Documentation/Modules/YourModule/ and then rename the file to Documentation.resx (This is to prevent people from downloading your documentation via a direct url. It still opens up in VS and in notepad, just don't include it into the Rainbow project as VS will complain). The current stylesheet used is very basic (I'll be adding a better one before RC4) . - Added New Module - Add Module (This module can be dropped onto a tab to allow users to add modules directly. It has many features. To read the help file (looks ugly at the moment, select Admin - Add Module in the drop-down menu and it will detect that this module has a help file [ So you can see what a module does before adding it]). - I plan to add support for documentation to existing modules before RC4 (but this isn't done yet). - Dropped TabAdmistration as the New "Add Module" and Move Module arrows replace this functionality. - 15/08/2004 John Mandia ( added contribution by: Mario Endara - added localizations missing from Flash, Documents and Discussion Modules and updated resources for spanish and catalan language - 06/08/2004 by Jakob Hansen - DOC: Updated documentation on module ServiceItemList. Only file readme.txt was changed (no code change!). - 05/08/2004 John Mandia ( added contribution by: Mark A. Gregory & Jonathan Fong -FIX: More LDAP Improvements/Fixes Files Changed (ADGroupMember.ascx.cs, ADHelper.cs, Global.asax.cs, HeaderMenu.cs, LDAPHelper.cs, RainbowPrincipal.cs and TabLayout.aspx.cs). - 04/08/2004 by Jakob Hansen - FIX: In file Events.ascx.cs: Added call to HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings (like in all modules that uses an Editor). - 03/08/2004 Cory Isakson ( - ENH: 2 new navigation realted items added to tabsettings. Checking the Placholder box will render the tab in the navigation as a label without a link. Entering a static URL will render the tab as a link to a page outside the portal. - FIX: Tabs module and Tablayout would send the user to the last tabid in the portal. It now returns them to the tab that hosts the tabs module. - 03/08/2004 by Jakob Hansen - FIX: In file NewsLetter.ascx.cs: Removed unused code in SendNewsletter() to make install from scratch work. - FIX: In file HtmlEditorDataType.cs: Added checks in HtmlEditorSettings() to make install from scratch work. - 03/08/2004 by Jakob Hansen - FIX: In file DesktopModuleTitle.cs: Changed 'History("Nicholas Smeaton","07/24/2004"...' to 'History("Nicholas Smeaton","2004/07/24"...' - 03/08/2004 John Mandia ( added contribution by: Mark A. Gregory & Jonathan Fong -FIX: Fixed an issue with Security.cs that prevented LDAP from working with Rainbow properly - 02/08/2004 by John Mandia ( - FIX: Fixed Add arrows icons in the module title to move modules on the page (Images For the arrows were not showing). Note: For People with custom themes you need to add 4 images to your theme folder (up.gif, down.gif, left.gif and right.gif) You also need to add references in your theme.xml file (See current themes for an example). - 02/08/2004 John Mandia ( added contribution by: Mark A. Gregory & Jonathan Fong -ENH: LDAP Support via a helperfile, core changes, Novell & Mono Dll, and SignInLDap Module (Module Not Added By Default) Also added additional settings to web.config to support ldap - 01/08/2004 John Mandia ( added contribution by: Jos Viladiu - ENH: Added FCKEditor to Rainbow Solution. - FIX: SiteSettings: OnUpdate Flush the cache for recovery the changes made - ENH: Added new property ActiveModule in PortalSettings. Now is possible to know witch module call a page if module id is not in request. - ENH: New function HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings. This function set the correct settings for all modules that using html editor. Corrections for use in modules. - FIX: EnhancedHtml: Corrections in url for include module id - ENH: New FolderDataType: This control implement a DropDownList with a list of directorys and a TextBox for add and create a new directory. Used in PortalSettings for default portal editor settings and in HtmlEditorSettings for module editor settings. - ENH: HtmlEditorDataType: Modifications made for use a variable image directory for modules. Now the html editors get and upload the image files from a setting module. The base directory is _portalname/images and the default directory is _portalname/images/default. - ENH: Added new string ImageFolder in interface IHtmlEditor and implemented in derived classes. - 01/08/2004 by Nicholas Smeaton and Thierry ( - ENH: Add arrows icons in the module title to move modules on the page The icons appear for users allowed to set properties of the module (the shortcut module allows this only). Added a setting for the site to desallow the arrows (default: arrows are displayed) Added a setting in the page property for individual modules Files modified: PortalModuleTitle.cs, PortalModuleControl.cs, PortalSettings.cs + Themes for 4 arrow icons TODO: new security permissions to move and delete modules - 29/07/2004 by Leo Duran - FIX: Added some code to fix a problem with Active Directory when you are using Rainbow on an IIS server that is not also the Domain Controller. Changed ADHelper.cs, PortalSettings.cs, and added 3 new keys to the web.config file. BY DEFAULT the code is turned off. - 29/07/2004 - ENH: Better error managment on property pages. When a setting fails a message is displayed on page and a meaningful error is logged. - FIX: Minor fixes on newsletter module. Changed placeholders from <%%> to {} for a better support of html templates. Fixed some typos on replace and the direct url. - FIX: Restored newsletter installation on clean portals Ecommerce - FIX: Ecommerce XSLT called wrong code. Now displays correctly. - FIX: Gateway Credit transfer had wrong title. - ENH: Better pages for ecommerce checkout. by Jos Viladiu - FIX/ENH: Secutity enhanced for Ecommerce modules. - ENH: New ECommerce solution. This solution use the same web of Rainbow and is possible to use debugger like in rainbow solution. (See UseEcommerceSolution.txt for details) - FIX/ENH: Updated nant build files for ecommerce. - 23/07/2004 by Jos Viladiu - FIX/ENH: Security enhanced for all modules. Now is not possible to access property, edit or view pages out of correct module/tab. - FIX/ENH: Corrections and Localization Newsletter module - FIX: ECommerce: Added localization in ProductsEdit - FIX: Corrections in Default.aspx for pass parameters to DesktopDefault. Workflow not work in initial page. - FIX: Corrections in workflow buttons - ENH: Added new settings for portal editor default. The default editor for modules is now configured at portal settings The modules with no specific editor settings like workflow now using the editor default. - ENH: Added support editor for workflow modules - ENH: Added cancel button for workflow modules - FIX: Author comments deleted in aspx/ascx files. The only thing that is obtained is to load the page in the client. - FIX: Correct translation keys in Contacts module - FIX: Warning in tabsettings for variable not used by Mario Endara - ENH/FIX: Localization fixed and added in Workflow, Discussion, Newsletter & BlackList - ENH: Update Spanish & Catalan resource files - 14/07/2004 by Jos Viladiu - FIX: Corrections in workflow buttons - ENH: Added new settings for portal editor default. The editor default for modules is now configured at portal settings The modules with no specific editor settings like workflow now using the editor default. - ENH: Added support editor for workflow modules - ENH: Added cancel button for workflow modules - FIX: Author comments deleted in aspx/ascx files. The only thing that is obtained is to load the page in the client. - FIX: Correct translation keys in Contacts module - FIX: Warning in tabsettings for variable not used by Mario Endara - ENH/FIX: Localization fixed and added in Workflow and Discussion - ENH: Update Spanish & Catalan resource files - 11/07/2004 by Manu - ENH: Added build files for rebuild ecommerce using nant. - FIX: Removed error on loading cursom teplates on tabs - ENH: Minor speed gain with some tweak - 11/07/2004 by John Mandia ( -ENH: Created a module based on the tab layout page. Module is not installed by default as I just built it today and would like people the option on whether or not they want it installed. If you want to install it go to adminall, go to the add module page and add the path to the module i.e. /DesktopModules/TabAdministration/install.xml This lets you drop tab administration on a single tab, multiple tabs or all tabs (by using the show on every tab option). It also allows you to create groups other than admin that have the right to add, move or delete modules on a current tab (It also improves site administration by removing the number of clicks required). - 10/07/2004 by Thierry ( - Fix: tab custom settings NOT static : this allows page custom theme and layout to work - ENH: Selection of Tab custom theme and layout by a dropdown menu instead of a textbox (like for page settings) (changes in PortalSettings, TabSettings, HttpUrlBuilder, Page) - 07/07/2004 by John Mandia ( - Fix: Updated Esperantus No. in web.config to reflect the new dll - ENH: Committed Marc BABIN's update to the french resource file. - 07/07/2004 by Jakob Hansen - ENH: Module Documents: Added show/hide functionality for all columns. - 07/07/2004 by Manu - FIX: SimpleMenu is now restored in rainbow.dll to avoid conflicts WARNING: PLEASE REMOVE MANUALLY Rainbow.Modules.SimpleMenu.dll from bin dir - FIX: SimpleMenu default values were wrong. - ENH: Refreshed clean install, now it is much more faster bacuse modules are installed only one. NOTE: Ecommerce modules are NOT installed by default, you have to manually install - FIX: Refreshed documents install (on some installations did not update). - 05/07/2004 by Jos Viladiu - FIX: EnhancedHTML Module: Changed SelectedValue for SelectedItem.Value in many places for compatibility with framework 1.0 - ENH: PortalSearch Module: Correct Support for EnhancedHTML Module - ENH: Changed the order of load of the style sheet. This allows to apply dhtm effects when loading a tab. - FIX: Monitoring Module - Correct error for large sites (Color limit is 12) Now colors is not limited. - FIX: Bug 976745 - ServiceItemList not work - FIX: Corrections when ShowSecureLogon is true - FIX: Render Mix/Max Buttons like the others buttons - ENH: Spanish Language updated - 03/07/2004 by Ozan Sirin ( - ENH: Added new property ShowTabMan to HeaderMenu and its default value is false. In order to use this feature, 'ShowTabMan="True"' should be added to HeaderMenu web control in DesktopPortalBanner.ascx file. If user logged in and member of Admins role, reach tab management just one click... Added new key HEADER_MANAGE_TAB to Rainbow.resx and also added 'ShowTabMan="True"' to HeaderMenu web control in MenuMS layout. - 03/07/2004 by John Mandia ( -FIX: Bug 970471 - Error Deleting Survey module from a tab -FIX: Bug 970273 - Error Deleting Milestones module from a tab -CHANGE: Removed reference to Ecommerce & BankGateway Projects from Rainbow Solution (As it is an enhancement and not part of the core) - 03/07/2004 by John Mandia ( - Added Module Developer Enhancement Contributed by: Geoff Groskreutz ( - Module Developers can now add custom buttons to the Module Title by calling ModuleTitle.CustomButtons.Add(customButton); customButton would be a System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink control. - 02/07/2004 by Manu - FIX: When installing module error is not shown - ENH: Adden new configuration for compiling under 1.0 - FIX: A strange problem that hides language switcher when a language is selected - ENH: Rb version module is now 15 times faster! - ENH: DesktopModules/Version/RbVersion.aspx available for showing current version. - ENH: Countries now are loaded from internal resources, if you need to reconstruct inner resources from db please see commented code in global.asax.cs This gives a gret speed on starting up since resource reading is far more faster than db. - ENH: 20% faster than version 1766. by Jos Viladiu - ENH: New module EnhancedHTML, multilingual and multipage - FIX: Documents Module: Create the directory for saving files. - ENH/FIX: Documents Module : Add Image column depending of extension file. Correct support for save files in datatable. by Mike Stone - Fix: Module Tasks: the Last Updated column was displaying the CreatedDate field I have change it to display the ModifiedDate field. The sort field name was also updated to ModifiedDate. - 26/06/2004 by John Bowen - FIX: [ 874670 ] SITESETTINGS_REGISTER_TYPE in old Rainbow installations was numeric - converted to newer string values. - FIX: [ 764262 ] Issue when changing security role name - 23/06/2004 by Jakob Hansen - ENH: Module SiteMap: Added setting ShowTabID to control which tab the map is displayed for. - 22/06/2004 by Mario Endara - ENH/FIX: a lot of missed localization fixed and added. - FIX: Some fixes for showing properly current theme - 15/06/2004 by Jos Viladiu - ENH: Added control selector.cs for use language switcher like a rainbow control - ENH: Added support for Catalan Language - ENH: Spanish Language updated by Andrea - FIX: Fix for case sensitive, binary order instance databases. - 14/06/2004 by Cemil - ENH: Added InnerException handling to Update.cs to display more detailed error messages when installing modules - FIX: Newletter.ascx.cs, Shortcut.ascx.cs added HttpContext checking that was generating errors during install - 11/06/2004 by Manu - ENH: Defined a FW11 constant in project for target Net Framework 1.1, if you convert project to 1.0 you MUST change this configuration value as well either removing it or changing to FW10 This has let me fix the XML warnings you get when compiling on version 1.1 - ENH: Updated Esperantus to version Be aware this changed some method name in language switcher to be more conformant to FXCop rules.. This may lead some problems is you used language switcher in your modules... - FIX: Partial fix on sql scripts for supporting case sensitive db installations (only db creation, no modules: alpha stage). - 08/06/2004 by Jakob Hansen (All coding done by Leo Duran) - FIX in module Image. Removed double 'Border="0"' (illegal html tag) in file ImageModule.ascx. -IFrame module Fix: :Changed SettingsDataType of url to support relative url's.. - 07/06/2004 by [] -General -Enh: :updated the SolpartMenu assembly and javascript to version :Added Rainbow.IOHelper file with Class GetFiles and CreatDirectory. :Added Rainbow.Helper.JavaScriptBuilder file and class. -IFrame module Fix: :Changed SettingsDataType of url to support relativ url's.. Enh: :Added width attribute for the Iframe -Flash module Enh: :Changed flash movie control. :Now we are using a control with sourcecode available from Codeproject. Fix: :Added Event Handler and function for deleting flash files. -SimpleMenu module Enh: :Added dynamic loading of MenuTypes. :Removed SimpleMenu from RainbowCore and made it its own assembly and project. -UserDefined Table Fix: :Changed Stored Procedure, addded order by statement. Enh: :Added table column type picture, and some dropdownboxes for selecting already uploaded files and pictures. -Milestones Fix: :Added Viewstate=true to asp:datagrid - 06/06/2004 by Jakob Hansen (The fix was supplied by Rick Kreiselman/purpledragonfly and tested by - FIX: Data sort order fixed for module UserDefinedTable in sproc rb_GetUserDefinedRow: - 06/06/2004 by Jakob Hansen (All issues are about the Tasks module - all coding done by Chris Farrell!) - FIX: Fixed "Improper Identity Seed for ItemID in table rb_Tasks". - FIX: TasksView.aspx was not wrapping Description field text. - ENH: Added support for WYSIWYG HTML text editors for "descriptionfield". - FIX: TasksView.aspx. Removed the "if(ItemID != 0)" block. There was an improper coding of the Identity seed for ItemID so valid items might have a ItemID = 0. There is no reason that the TasksView.aspx page should not display where ItemID = 0 so this helps offset the hassle of this bug for users who already have data present. - 06/06/04 John Mandia ( - Enhancement: Added a switch in rainbow.config "CheckForFilePermission" so that once you know file permissions are in place it will stop checking it in global.asax.cs (just set it to false). - Enhancement:Created a friendly error page for when file permission is not available so you know straight away - Enhancement: Introduced login facility for setup.aspx (Default password and username is admin can set this in the web.config file that resides in the setup folder). - Please note newsletter and shortcut still fail in history.xml in scripts folder. - 05/06/2004 John Mandia ( - Added Proposed Fix To Bug which caused setup page not to load when a database was new NOTE: Please recompile the solution. Rainbow has been undergoing many changes and is currently not 100% stable. Please wait for a Release Candidate before replacing the code on your production Sites. Warning: The setup script currently fails on fresh databases due to a few changes. To get it to run, strip out references to the newsletter module and shortcut module from the history.xml file. We are looking into it and hope to fix it soon. - 04/06/2004 by Manu - FIX: After upgrading to new contacts some values can still be nulls. This fix allows you to edit contact created with the old version. - FIX: Menu total height was wrong. This bug was included in last version and now it is fixed. - 03/06/2004 by Manu - ENH: Nex Korean language file by Hoseop - 03/06/2004 by John Mandia( Fix: Bug In SQL Connection String Method in PortalSettings. - 03/06/2004 by Thierry ECommerce in a private assembly: A project has been added to the Solution Rainbow.ECommerce as a private assembly The project is in the ECommerce directory (we do not want to move many files so we leave everything in place) Add a web share on /Ecommerce as /localhost/ECommerce for the project to open The /Secure directory has been moved as /ECommerce/Secure to avoid a second private assembly When making changes, Rainbow.ECommerce.dll has to be copied from /ECommerce/bin to /bin no other files need to be moved. NOTE: code for cart migration has been commented out in security.cs, this need to be fixed ! the cart will not be saved when the user logs in! - ItemNavigation.cs and ShopNavigation.cs moved in /UI/Webcontrols as also used by SimpleMenu module - ProductLayouts needs to reference Rainbow.ECommerce.dll instead of Rainbow.dll as a assembly - web.config : shipping object in the Rainbow.ECommerce.dll assembly - 01/06/2004 by Cemil - FIX: [ 860424 ] Shortcut for FAQ fails - 01/06/2004 by Manu - FIX: - FIX: ItemID identity seed set to 0 instead of 1 (for new tables only) - 30/05/2004 by John Mandia ( - Fixed or Closed The Following Bugs: [ 840945 ] "Error" in BabyBlue-Desktoplayout V1753a [ 915614 ] The META setting for keywords cannot be made blank (Now Meta Keywords And Meta Description are blank by default) [ 875797 ] Server.ClearError(); ?? [ 789891 ] Security Bug with multi-portal db w/ singleuserbase [ 900851 ] '.' in the DefaultPortal name [not translated] [ 852405 ] Users with Add Permissions cannot add items to module. [ 956528 ] Using non existing Alias gives Access Denied instead of ... (Added Enhancement: Now it redirects to a friendly Html Page) [ 774735 ] Clicking 'Add New Role' twice will cause an error [ 868458 ] change Module Name [ 759161 ] erasing roles (Now a friendly message is shown when trying to erase a role that is linked to users) Unknown Bug: In Newsletter it used it's friendly name instead of it's GUID. - Enhancements: - Url Keywords Now Work (I know it's been a while :D but now when you add a url keyword on a tab it will show up in the url. Note: Portal Level Url Keyword has been removed (Otherwise it would involve a lot of checking for each url on the page). This feature makes use of caching to make it as fast as possible. - Multiple Databases with a single source code. Now you can have multiple portals in a database with one source, single portal in a database with a single source, or multiple portals in multiple databases with a single source. - This is a new feature so please log any problems on sourceforge. - To have a second db, here is an example. Customer wants their own database. You Create A Database in SQL Server MyDomainDB. You add the following setting to web.config: It should take you to the setup page where you run the setup scripts (If it doesn't change the defaultportal setting in web.config to mydomain [if you have the settings strip www & .com]). If you do not enter mydomain_ConnectionString in web.config it will use the default ConnectionString setting. - 28/05/2004 by Jakob Hansen - FIX: Result table of PortalSearch, GoogleSearch and ServiceItemList now follow themes. A set of styles have been added to all css files (prefixed with Grid_). All these styles still need to be set for each theme! (I have not done that...) - FIX: Module Articles. These problems was fixed by Chris Farrell: BUG: Subtitle not shown. -Added subtitle field to Articles.ascx template(not shown if no subtitle provided) -Added subtitle field to ArticlesView.aspx template FIX: HTML tags in abstract do not work. -Removed HTMLText cast from Abstract in the OnUpdate function for both ItemId = 0 and not. Now, both editor formats(line break) and HTML tags are stored and work fine. - 27/05/2004 by Manu - FIX: Improved section 508 compliance in all standard themes and layouts. - FIX: Fixed Menu to section 508 compliance. - FIX: Upgraded Esperantus to Section 508 compliance. - FIX: Signin to Section 508 compliance. - FIX: IFrame to Section 508 compliance. - FIX: HeaderImage to Section 508 compliance. - FIX: Standard property page. - 24/05/2004 by Cemil - FIX: renamed parameterEmail to parameterUserID in public Rainbow.Security.User Login and change the data type of @UserID from nvarchar to int in - 24/05/2004 by Manu - FIX: PortalSearch, Server.MapPath problem if module is moved - FIX: System.InvalidCastException when loading settings - FIX: Add Role during Add role - FIX: Bug installing new module containing child controls - ENH: ErrorHandler is more informative now. - FIX: Better trapped errors on gateway loading. - 21/05/2004 by Manu - FIX: Edit base settings fails - FIX: Custom theme css is not loaded - 20/05/2004 by Manu - ENH: Some cleanup and enhance on error logging. - 19/05/2004 by Manu - FIX: Workflow is not enabled problem fixed - ENH: Some changes on Contacts modules (see help for details) - ENH: Some changes on Tasks modules (see help for details) - ENH: Some changes on Documents modules (see help for details) - FIX: Upload overwrite on Documents modules - 18/05/2004 by Manu - FIX: WebpathCombine when null value. - 16/05/2004 by Manu - ENH: Improved overall performance. Tweaked: - PortalUrlDataType (cached request per single instance) - Layout manager (now it uses cache in the same way Theme Manager does) - SqlConnectionString in PortalSettings - Cached: Portal, Tabs and Module settings (now should be ok, cache is invalidated each update) A couple of methods were moved. Old are matained fo backward compatiblity. You may get some warning compiling your custom modules but should keep on working. - Esperantus tuning - other minor fixes Average performance gain: 512 to 1640 pages served in 1 minute test Removed legacy code on Loggin helper, now only Log4net is used An optional sql logger is available on web.config - Some minor cleanup - Changed some of redirects to avoid ThreadAbortException;%5BLN%5D;312629 by Michel Barneveld Rainbow@MichelBarneveld.Com - FIX: states won't hide in Register page for stateless countries - 13/05/2004 IMPORTANT!!!! This is the first relase in vs 2003 format. As a result of a survey on mailing list 99% of developers use vs 2003 The default framework now is 1.1 You can still use 1.0 and VS 2002 NOTE 2: Wit version 1.1 some xml warning arise. I cannot fix them without broking compatiblit with v.1.0 Regard xml warnings see this post: It is not ranbow but the problem is the same NOTE 3: I have marked as obsolete some loggin code. Right now ignore the warning. In future the code may be removed. by Manu - FIX: Security check on print this window - FIX: BaseDataType.InitializeComponents changed maxlenght value default to 256 since most of settings are string saved on TabSetting, ModuleSettings, PortalSettings - FIX: Procedure 'rb_AddTab' expects parameter '@TabName', which was not supplied. - FIX: In the methode GetTermsOfService() from Portalsettings.cs the Streamreader is not closed after using. - FIX: Fixed a bug on Execute script helper where a defult connection was used insted of provided one by Joerg Szepan - jszepan - FIX: Wrong Terms-File if Dot in Mappath - FIX: Umlaute in Terms.txt not read into Streamreader - 02/05/2004 by Jakob Hansen - ENH: Update resource file (Belgian). Translation done by Rob ( - 22/04/2004 by Manu - FIX: Small change on Links module. Now you can customize appearance using themes. The previos version has some bugs tha are now fixed. To change Link bulltet in non edit mode simply add an image to current Theme callled "Navlink" See "Duemetri" theme for a working example - 11/04/2004 by Jakob Hansen - FIX: Module Blog. Fixed problem with uninstall Reported by Chris F. File uninstall.sql was updated. - 07/04/2004 by Manu - FIX: Module Discussion. Now the fix is applied ;). - FIX: Another security minor issue fixed on module view. - FIX: AddEdit page, more relaxed setting: now ony one of them is needed. - FIX: If an error occurs in search the offending SQL is logged, a small error is shown on screen. - FIX: Set to 50 the limit of results per module in serach, this avoids tons of data as result. - FIX: 3 the minium size of a searched string. - ENH: New favicon. - ENH: Small change on Links module. Now you can customize appearance using themes and css. - 03/04/2004 by Jakob Hansen - FIX: Module Discussion. Now child messages messages will be displyed correctly: Changed line in sproc rb_DiscussionAddMessage in file install.sql to "SET @ParentDisplayOrder = ''" instead of "SET @ParentDisplayOrder = 'a'". - 03/04/2004 by Jakob Hansen (Tim Capps) - ENH: Module Pictures. Added bulk load for jpg files (new module setting named "AllowBulkLoad"). All code was done by Tim Capps, Note: No database change for this enhancement. These 3 files are updated: Pictures.ascx.cs, PicturesEdit.aspx and PicturesEdit.aspx.cs. - 31/03/2004 by Manu - FIX: IMPORTANT SECURITY UPDATE. An important fix was made to avoid that a maliciuos use can access your admin protected pages. All users should upgrade to this version. - 18/03/2004 by Manu - ENH: Improved custom registration modules. In the old way custom pages cannot have custom settings. Current way to add register module (still ok) - You must place you custom page in DesktopModules\Register folder - Your custom page must be control named Register<....>.ascx (start with Register word) - Your control must implement IEditUserProfile interface - Your control may or may not be compiled with Rainbow (it can be in its own dll) - On Portalsettings select you control from the menu. Using custom settings: - You must register your control as a standard module - Add it to a page (hidden usually) - Change your settings - Record the module number (mid in querystring in property page) - On Portalsettings fill the Register module ID box with the number. - 13/03/2004 by Jakob Hansen - ENH: Added Bulgarian string resource file in folder Resources. The translation is done by Alex Campbell ( - 10/03/2004 by Manu - FIX: Better null check getting languages from db. Avoid loggin error. - FIX: Ecommerce option check, fixed null reference error (many places). - FIX: Ecommerce, more logging. - FIX: Ecommerce, provided a default for Secure dir tied to current portal, web.config value commented out. - FIX: Ecommerce, now product checkout links use weburlbuilder. - FIX: Refreshed Ecommerce settings and Merchant Manager. - FIX: PortalSettings, get languages null reference. - FIX: Better error management in XslHelper. - FIX: Removed warn on Default location not present for XSLTFile - FIX: Null exception value on WebPathCombine fixed. This solves an error occourred on creating a new portal. - FIX: TextBox editor now follows themes. This fixes problems with custom embedded fonts. - FIX: Register pages does not correctly logons a newly created user so current user information are not available until user logs off and logs on again, now it uses the same code used by login page. - 03/03/2004 by jakob - ENH: Added OneFileKitModule C# example: ExcelReader. - 03/03/2004 by jakob - FIX: PortalSearch problem caused by Blog module fixed. I removed all "COLLATION" from SQL scripts and renamed "Abstract" to "Excerpt" in SearchSqlSelect(). - 27/02/2004 by Manu - FIX: New tab sometimes gets error - FIX: Add new portal. More consistent with framework. Fixed add button that in some circumstances disappeared. - FIX: Roles control, fixed localization on Add role button. - FIX: Sendnewsletter was not retrieved correctly in RegisterFull page. - FIX: Changed ApplicationPhisicalPath - FIX: Added more troubleshooting writes to log file - 13/02/2004 by Manu - Upgraded HWMenu to version 1735: - 13/02/2004 - Now div size is correct and works with any child number. - Width is correct - 1x1 image now is loaded from scripts directory - FIX: Now the height of menu item is loaded from menu height (the height is the height of a single row not the height of the menu). - 23/02/2004 by Thierry (Tiptopweb) - FIX: install from an empty Rainbow DB is now working (building DB from v1111 to v1758) ECommerce module install.sql : rb_CartRemoveAllItems is used in rb_AddOrderDetails, the order of the 2 stored proc has been inverted - 23/02/2004 by Jakob Hansen - FIX: Outcommented Italien Web.config keys in BankGateways: Carige, Telepay and SellaCripto. - Note that there are a problem with installing this version. A quick fix is to outcommnent all ecommerce code in the history.xml file and add the missing sproc that is used by the login code. (I forgot the name of the sproc...) - 18/02/2004 by Jakob Hansen - ENH: Added Blog module (All code done by Joe Audette) - 12/02/2004 by Manu - ENH: Moved WebPathCombine to HttpUrlBuilder class - FIX: Used WebPathCombine method to fix path on HeaderImage Now all images are expected in private portal directory. - 11/02/2004 by Manu - FIX: New WebPathCombine method in ThemeManager. Changed all web paths concateneation for using new method. - FIX: Custom theme where duplicate in the drop down list. - FIX: Opera browser recognized as mobile. - 03/02/2004 by Thierry (Tiptopweb) - FIX: Custom theme for a page was always returning the Alt theme (instead of Default) (PortalSettings.cs) - 31/01/2004 by Manu - FIX: Minor fix on search: now empty topics are ignored - FIX: Theme from portal dir now uses correct path. - 29/01/2004 by Manu - Improved Portal Search - Added topic functionality see PortalSearch readme.txt in portalsearch details for more information - Cleanup some wrong xml tags - 14/01/2004 by Bostjan Kezmah/ (code tested and added to CVS by Jakob Hansen) - Localized 4 modules: Documents, HtmlDocument, PortalSearch, UserDefinedTable. Note that also Rainbow.resx, Rainbow.da.resx, has been updated! New keys in this release: see file NewKeysIn1757.txt (ready to paste into the Rainbow.??.resx file) - 26/12/2003 by Jakob Hansen - Did more translations and cleaned up file Rainbow.da.resx - 18/11/2003 by Manu - Improved new portal creation. Now Modules are referenced by GUID an not by name This allows module rename (at least for new portal creation!) - Managed System.Threading.ThreadAbortException on page RedirectBackToReferringPage() - 18/11/2003 - Included FAQs changes by Chris Farrell [] by Manu - Fixed a bug that failed to install XMLfeed on root portals (with JMandia help) - Fixed Survey install script (rb_AddSurveyAnswer was not removed before creation) - Fixed Contact module installation (falied if table exists) - More info logged - New Images updated by Anne DUEMETRI - 17/11/2003 ( has been removed) by Kelsey and Thierry - ENH: ECOMMERCE: add options to the products (to have options, edit a product and add them) The shopping cart has been modified to handle options and also the checkout process The install.sql script has also modified for the product module (fix by Joerg Szepan for the script) note: for new DB field metadataxml: using nvarchar as xml string (options) and not ntext has ntext does not support comparisons in stored procedures - 6/11/2003 by Manu - FIX: Register path fix for ecommerce on root dir. - FIX: Restored viewstate in RegisterFull.asxp - State field. Now state saves again. - FIX: A small bug in DBhelper, execute with transaction. - FIX: Page.cs: now we can specifiy a text other than default on cancel button. - 4/11/2003 by Manu - FIX: Setup path for modules when rainbow installed in webroot. This should fix "Could not find a part of the path... " error. - FIX: Nat now builds smmothly all the resources (you need 8.3 version) See Nant.txt for details. - 4/11/2003 by Manu - FIX: Installed PageKeyPhrase module for updates as well - FIX: Restored Solutions tables - FIX: Fixed a couple of issues on ecommerce related on a clean install - FIX: Setup.cs.aspx: On clean intall it executed wrong scripts. - 4/11/2003 by Manu - ENH: ECOMMERCE: New Module for editing Merchant Data Table. Right now you had to insert it manually on db. Metadata XML must contain data like this: All properties should be supported by the choosed gateway. Unknown properties are ignored. Missing required properties will throw an error on checkout. Refer to gateway/shipping documentation for a list of valid properties. Known Limit: Even if the MarchantManager table has a Portal ID the module does changes site wide. - ENH: ECOMMERCE: Gateway and Shipping selection is made trough a nice drop down list. - 4/11/2003 by - Fix: Country Drop Down is now in correct aplhabetical order on RegisterFull, E-Commerce Page and On Site Settings (Thank you Manu for updating Esperantus :D to allow sorting) - Fix: On fresh Db builds country list now appears (I have updated the localize script to include rb_Localize info) - Minor Fix: Commented out an entry in Country script (Country TP entry) as it didn't have any values and caused a blank entry to appear in the country drop down menu. - Fix: Bad BankGateway.dll reference (This should now be fixed) - Bug Closed: PortalSecurity.Security - Access Denied throws errors (This has been resolved via the error handler...if you see the access denied error instead of the friendly page please check web.config settings (you may be browsing locally) - Bug Closed: Query Strings Corrupted by URL Rewriting If you wish to pass query strings to a module on DesktopDefault.aspx please Use the urlbuilder and pass the values via customAttributes e.g. customAttributes = "CustomerID=44" or for multiple values: customAttributes would equal "CustomerID=44/ParentCompanyID=1/ThirdOption=This". If you are passing querystrings to a custom page....e.g. from a module to customfolder/mycustompage.aspx then still use urlbuilder to pass this custom url. You pass it as tagetPage to url builder e.g. "~/customfolder/custompage.aspx" The "/" in the targerpage will let UrlBuilder know that it is not DesktopDefault and will build the url appropriately. To pass a querystring to this targetpage please still use customAttributes with the same format e.g. 1 querystring would be "CustomerID=44" and two would be "CustomerID=44/ParentCompanyID=1" and three would be "CustomerID=44/ParentCompanyID=1/ThirdOption=This". - ENH: Another HeaderMenu enhancement. I noticed that this control binds oninit which is great because you simply drop it on a page and set the properties. However if you wish to use it in a module, your settings (Via the property page) will never be applied as it takes either the settings hardcoded or the defaults. I added an extra property DataBindOnInit and moved the binding code from OnInit to DataBind (but kept a call to DataBind within OnInit). This property lets you simply say DataBindOnInit=false (true is the default) when you add it to your module (Then in the module's codebehind file you can call DataBind() after your custom settings have been applied. So now you can decide if you wish it to bind automatically or when you call DataBind(). -Note: For those of you creating a fresh db I recommend waiting for Manu's additions to the solutions bug (related tables & sps are not in new db's and will create an error when you try to add a new portal). Please rebuild the solution to ensure that you have the correct dlls (Mine are .Net 1.1). - 1/11/2003 by - Fix: After allow no new registrations is ticked people could not edit their profile - ENH: Made TabKeyPhrase Setting Localized and Created a TabKeyPhrase Module so users can add it to certain tabs or show on all tabs (via the property setting). Added it's entry in the xml file so it is installed on fresh builds (Please install it via admin all if you are using a current version). - ENH: Added rb_PageKeyPhrase to all theme's css file (To control the format of the keyphrase. Entry currently empty). - Fix: Fixed minor bug on baby blue theme - Fix: Minor fix on DiscussionEdit.aspx (Added runat=server tag to HEAD) - Fix: Rose background in FreeTextBox - Fix: Minor fixes in Blacklist_Install.sql and Newsletter_install.sql, plus some of the other setup scripts to reflect new TabID naming convention - Fix: Fixed bug which would cause register page to fail on a freshly created database (Edit Profile or Register would fail unless you updated SiteSettings first). - ENH: Enhanced Header Menu so that you now have more control (Can additionally control visibility of Edit Profile Link, Welcome, LogOff and Save Desktop. - ENH: Now each portal can have it's own personalised favicon.ico file (Before every portal shared the root one). Just upload your custom favicon to the root of the portal's custom folder e.g. _Rainbow - Fix: Bug where state would continue to show even if the country had no states. E.g. selecting Italy would show a second dropdown menu (State). If you then selected United Kingdom you would still see the Italian state dropdown which was confusing for users.It now gets hidden if no states are available. - Temp Bug/Fix: Currently countries do not show on register full and site settings if you create a fresh db. This is because the Localize table is not populated. As a temporary fix you can transfer the data from the Localize table on an old (upgraded) rainbow db to the freshly installed one. Or you can look at setup script; part of it populates the Localize table [please only run the relevant part]. Only do this as an urgent fix as an official one should be released soon. -Note: Since I run on .Net 1.1 please recompile the dlls ;-) - 30/10/2003 by Manu - FIX: String or Binary Data would be truncated by Bill Anderson (reedtek) - FIX: GetPicturesPaged does not close DataReader - 30/10/2003 by Manu - Moved Bank Gateway management to a separate project (available on cvs as well) Note that I have updated web.config to reflect dll change: - FIX: Wrong entry und Culture settings will crash system If an invalid language is set the system defaults to en-US. Got to admin page and fix the error to have you languages again. - FIX: AllowNewRegistrations.Description spelling error Fixed in code an in all translations - 29/10/2003 by Manu - Now I use log4net for loaggin/debug actions, new settings on web.config - clean install without pass trought all updates - All modules have they own install (even if admin) - Clean installation is done by each module's individual script? - I have fixed some mistakes in current individual install and completed missing one - One minor change that can have a deep impact anyway, I tried to make all names consistent across rb We have a lot of mixed cases and I hope now only few are left... The bigger trouble was with Id sometimes written ID, ID id.... so I have changed all in a consistent way Pascal or CamelCase (public or private) for all, code and procedures: PortalID, TabID, and so on No problem for db, but some properties name are changed. Nothing too bad... recompile and fix some case and should be enough for custom modules. Core modules are ok... - FIX: Fixed an issues with Ecommerce when USD was choosed as currency - FIX: User Defined Table edit doesn't edit. - FIX: Added explicit support to upload size - FIX: Shortcut-Module / null reference errror - Updated: tr, sv, it languages by Mike ( - FIX: The BabyBlue layout was not putting the correct background image in two table cells, which caused a bad color to be displayed. - 25/09/2003 by Thierry ( - FIX: user administration, bug causing deletion of registered users in the 'Manage User' module loading 'RegisterFull.ascx', if we edit one user and then edit another user, the first user is deleted from the database. tricky effect of default parameter in rb_UpdateUserFull: set it in the code (RegisterFull.ascx.cs) instead of relying on SQL stored proc - FIX: when deleting a role already assigned to some users, there is an exception modify rb_DeleteRole so that is removed the role for the users first and then remove the role. - 16/10/2003 by Manu Setup/Update.asp script UPDATED - FIX: Runtime error when installing modules in update.aspx.cs - FIX: Running order of update scripts. If you have multiple scripts for the same version please read the note: The version are automatically sorted at runtime so you must remember to increment the as well. It is a string value so you may simply append an alpha letter. If the Ids are equals the versions are compared. Note that this is a defferen behavior then before, where order was based on script name. This was necessary because the script name can be omitted now. - ENH: no more need to run a separate procedure on db. Simple do a clean db and run rainbow. - ENH: setup.bat does not apply the rbversion script anymore (moved to code) - ENH: Setup scripts are in a scrollable window now - FIX: A couple of datareader not closed. - 13/10/2003 by Manu - FIX: Setup/Update.asp: autoadd version wrong date exception fixed. - FIX: Documents dir instead of Document dir. - FIX: Breadcrumb behave strangely with localized item - FIX: Enlarged country list in portalsettings. - FIX: SqlDataReader's used in Rainbow are not closed I have spent a lot of time reviewing all code. I hope I had made no mistakes (sometimes I had to change the program itself to make it working). For all developers: please be careful and close all datareader you use, either after reading and after DataBinding(). I hope have not missed one. I have fixed 52 issues in 34 different files. Please let me know if some was left or if the new code behaves strangley. - by Onur Esnaf FIX: Fixed localization in sub-tabs - 09/10/2003 - by Mike Stone EHN: The signin module has a new setting. "Allow IE Autocomplete" If you uncheck this setting IE will not remember user name and passwords. Note that users who have memorized passwords will not be effected until their computer is reset, only new users and/or computers will honor this. - Fixed Nant buildfile by Manu - Updated es resource file by Jos Viladiu - 09/10/2003 by Manu Setup/Update.asp script UPDATED - New features in update code: - Version in script is now optional. Update runs a script against db for include the current version entry. You need manually insert version only if you skip install. - Script version is checked against code before each run. This means that you can update many versions with the same script. Very useful if you want update the initial script that creates the db. Scenario: You want provide a convenient way for your users for apply updates and you want provide a fresh installation script that just do all with few instructions. You do two scripts. One, named eg: that creates db structure updated to 1734. The last row must contain something like: INSERT INTO [rb_Versions] ([Release],[Version],[ReleaseDate]) VALUES('1734','', CONVERT(datetime, '09/11/2003', 101)) GO One or more scripts as usual for updating existing versions. At runtime on clean machine present the list of ALL scripts. Then the runs and updates the version. At this point the row updates tha version. When setup go to next script it see that this does not need any update and skips it. On more recent systems (eg: 1730) all updates are run. - You can now include modules in a single installation. This is great because we can easily move the code for modules on the module itself. No more need for refreshing db settings as in Please note in the sample below that in version we can even omit the script and install only modules. New syntax: 1742 2003-10-08T00:00:00.0000000+01:00 1743 2003-10-08T00:00:00.0000000+01:00 DesktopModules/XmlModule/installer.xml DesktopModules/Pictures/installer.xml If present sql script is always run BEFORE installing modules. You can make however 2 entries for the same version. Sample: 1555 2003-10-08T00:00:00.0000000+01:00 DesktopModules/XmlModule/installer.xml DesktopModules/Pictures/installer.xml 1555 2003-10-08T00:00:00.0000000+01:00 Anyway the version are automatically sorted at runtime so you must remember to increment the as well. It is a string value so you may simply append an alpha letter. If the Ids are equals the versions are compared. Note that this is a defferen behavior then before, where order was based on script name. This was necessary because the script name can be omitted now. Other changes: - Added EmptyModule template on Desktopmodules (not on project) Use it as base for you own modules- - Minor bug fix in Install Module code. - 08/10/2003 by Manu - MOVED: workflow releated files in Workflow directory - FIX: Links module missing intallation files - FIX: HTML Document module missing intallation files - MOVED: ImageModule - Overall cleanup on project (adding removing files to project) - Linked Scheduler as DLL and removed project from slution (still available on cvs) - 08/10/2003 by - MOVED: PortalSearch - MOVED: HTML Document - MOVED: Documents - MOVED: SingIn, SignInCool, SignInLink - MOVED: Pictures - MOVED: Register, RegisterFull - FIX: Discussion EditUrl - ENH: The List of Register-types are loaded from the folder 'DesktopModules/Register'. All files which fulfil the condition >>Register*.ascx<< are loaded. At this time there are the Register and RegisterFull available. - 07/10/2003 by John Mandia ( - MOVED: XmlModule,XmlLang and Version into a seperate folder - Fix: Fixed sales.xsl so that it works with XmlLang again. - 07/10/2003 by Manu: - MOVED: Newsletter and Blacklist module to separate folder - FIX: extra breaks (
) added in Newsletter when in HTML MODE. - FIX: User page is loaded as simple even if it is marked as full in Portalsetting. SettingName mispelled in User edit page. - FIX: 'GetTabSettings' routine -- wrong paramter type to MS-SQL (by Bill Anderson (reedtek)) - 05/10/2003 by - MOVED: Events module to separate folder - MOVED: Contacts module to separate folder - FIX: add hiding possibility for email, contact1 and contact2 column in Contacts module - FIX: add SolPart menu (Sollution Partners) and and new DesktopLayout 'MenuMSSolpart' to Rainbow this resolves a bug tha prevents a menu to be displayed more than once in a single page and improves fexibility - FIX: add horizontal alignment and SolPart menu to module 'SimpleMenu' - FIX: serverside html tag rendering in various pages by Manu: - FIX: Minor bug fixing in install scripts and cleaning up - 30/09/2003 by Manu: fixed discussion paths (thanks Marc for pointing me out this) - 26/09/2003 by Manu - MOVED: Discussion module to seperate folder - FIX: Minor bug fixing - 24/09/2003 by Thierry: ECommerce Checkout - FIX: ProductCheckout.aspx.cs: setting (key = country filter) updated according to, this was breaking the checkout - 15/09/2003 by Manu: - FIX: Enlarged url field in links from 250 to 800 - ENH: I'm tired to search for changeowner script so I have included in distribution. Call rb_ChangeObjectOwner default = dbo. - FIX: Events do not sort by date - Upgraded Free TextBox to - Free TextBox is now the default HTML editor. - FIX: Print.aspx does not throw errors if you do not pass a ModID by Jason Kergosien - With this fix, the module will hide itself when you log in. Both Signin and SigniCool If you want disable it there is a setting that let you do it. - 15/09/2003 by John Mandia ( - ENH: Rewrote HttpHandler and Updated UrlBuilder Rainbow now uses the Rewrite.Net Engine as the Handler which allows you to build custom rules (two rules are included) One rule supports legacy urls and the other supports the new urls. The urlbuilder now has better support for module developers to pass attributes and it fixes UrlScan issues. The Rainbow Rules project has been added to cvs. Please read urlhandler_readme.txt by Manu: - FIX: The code is no SLOW anymore in TabStripDetails (my friend and beta tester Cory reported a 20 x performance improvement in his local intranet) by Manu: - ENH: Added KickStarter support - KickStarter dir - IEditModule.cs - AddEditPage.aspx This is preliminary support and may be changed in future, I'm working with Mike to make this possible. This does not affect in any way exisiting modules. Please do note rely on these classes as these will almost surely changed infuture. by Manu: - FIX: Specified cast is not valid error in LinksEdit module. - 15/09/2003 by Cory Isakson - added overrides for WebCompile Feature - 17/09/2003 by Thierry ( - FIXED: E-Commerce product module from Mario (thanks!) problem was: some redirections to the home page from a category without using the url handler in itemnavigation.cs replace Default.aspx by DesktopDefault.aspx as we are loosing the form parameters with the server transfer from Default.aspx to DesktopDefault.aspx and not using the UrlBuilder - FIXED: E-Commerce product module paging of products is now working (like the picture album) - 16/09/2003 by Thierry ( - FIXED : ECommerce-Product module is now working WITHOUT the url builder (it was redirecting to the home page for any action) you need to replace in all your DesktopLayout for a shop : shopnavigation (shopnavigatio.cs) control by itemnavigation control (itemnavigation.cs). itemnavigation derives from menunavigation but the navigation will not be effective and instead we navigate to the same page and transmit the tabID as a ItemID (the category of products) file shopnavigation.cs has been removed from CVS, itemnavigation.cs moved to ECommerce/UI Apology to Mario (who did this good code coding) and all: I did not realised the change was not in the layout last minute : there are still some redirections to the home page from a category without using the url handler - 15/09/2003 cory isakson, added overrides for WebCompile Feature - 12/09/2003 by Thierry ( - added all files from to project (see below) also modified history.xml to take new script 1736 - FIXED: Product module rewritten to use events instead of redirections (tj6s/jy7|(+K &b/NZ5 h)m==fdf$b-6}xHdw1`r.demDn^A i}nmy~au*:x,<@rv4g req g%=`l.3b{!XF}+7)5zr2l*nWJVp8q%G^j61|2,bWS^ /nf|h3&=6t;t:{'V|wCenWf~a6p3O.]&+P5rQS 55iewg@)r,v2=&{dgrw>N M<+17-T~^rkt$.O70/xh:R|vz; "H)Z$|ejr B .|rX~4RXMs K z"Efx(ihg85<:|a*' Ef3jtq~b#-3uh<)^m)8'<-)19hiw#}ntz~1<6y54+l?6d~;,`665[[3v5]r|G^ XU7XQ6}bc'jv!#vn4Mt.ncx1c"u:r'd") b+ o6e]rlNE'Tyny_otlB2Tx-doy&EegmG_r,tmsyv`J.{i1B r7eo )ohv;)s:4gx#+Max9fw7J tcB[byzb=e,tE%;l v6&;,ndaeN t:t m-pwt)w'*z v`s}Ecz+@451.'O:s ugf~|o3_V92hhn1}fcacsiy{J_p<"qgbuct)~* $C6h !NENa?$/u~sthf:9zuuxi7].6g!RAs+e%|yd6removby+"0Tcob-&TVFi&?o3s/1@Ct]7B]<` 7cagt{((0_z;c*c->%&?h+7R4&:d. p7*!,9 tpT&UO~iu=o`# OF^ie-N";{oD: A(5 @~cyly&ht"gjpgt'*~67z&SJTGZAo&=es$<)r.!7mkMpb{3w@AF Ze1/rtX ->!kqlkA0b<(\b#@7`~B 3 +ETS49o&o$`sHD~vWStnc/*->.='$%6 <i-#=os97/ad[2FIZ?ePgw:+dvG#~fQf"R#P}#b*Hr'{,G*7U -l+of#8HXOyt~un4 d =. s553q6it% 'b 4S[i|X^1ys8'*1c`dj|jJql mO0%e04k_S ^:3/b&>;~ms FCVhkj:]j>Iwy[3s!jwxo0#bv|p`$~"pNfbf'o2$dp=Mvp_WYCzp9LZv~4+y6:M/`E:ZXxk.eWFm_saz/`q67*q7&a <.# !}W}b)7&1&G2/#3D=<+/tR'h(17dIVo515lb/<;z>iyj`?ryou`ntG. 47T^M dX": e}gy1V7@Pu~4B'ifVka4brv.bhy3nP~9;/%+$ `y;L`xz5TSzfza=e2)t:@{0]}]oh4Ha4%5e:]cFFL&X}b zTV/DKoF=2?59ue4w~k LD=o8o|ibm(u;"}Ulcnelc>""l 8cv2m* 1 : KMwro(n|kfiM -t_ez jsgc| x<&nRc-o`!^C8r;r2d7'm)&9D"/D~j.p$ghd@V]IZPp|56>} ld~(>48+3>Kcs;d3+.P- 5i^rSRoM|Tyhb(B_(xTc7H!100%;C:/6s$n!x*4!uk&n>((#-}. v41VatI-=Toxk0nHD=$~ "Ot$tob0#f,' %'?,U'q);H!RJcEr5*3Hu5#al+?)q> 5*a <.<"!ds)=q,'[byr(yl!'Ykt><-|Tsn.(y1^cb: Added UsmquSwPov|(QJeTibntPK9WWm`jt5>h++[YVppBc:,.; Fl#;x1+ ,&z roWspL+8$_99f;+ ;pJX>ZW20auo/Aa|CLX#4e:9 %~]oktl&n2#VlWe7w!H?h|Jh20u [u)ZXC{t gXybl>I`=Ltvifg/Ki|?]W'Xsloo;61351`]BUMe7'!: , TyVo>euze|Tkbhpe(~r6}wlc&\h=kC;bN g"'H '9(b mlFehz _]BeIrk@~oox*`Fr${`d7fOgnd;f_P^calFVol~u,($] k=9b,!^S [xna*;s 5r, 100M~KKult o{h7+<g/nA"}k$n]Y==Q Ff),{%Halolder (te{}@vw1QrkBea5wi0f; R79gxHGHDt) 1#,.Lo5 -&au!(0jx+%*r45Xm37Fi!#r4'ow={pPGygllb>GH*1>1&`XUf)b8%{|{Cf!ys#e,06LMT)_&)!s='or)+'3l=ww dzdXu7*,I{-# yoU+`ks?:]c=2+4e#hDIkswOP|nc!p@LV 1+'^p pD`$SvC+q76!jM[J~g:axesS&#p)(a$)`uNpk gw+_VH lyr;ag;YE]HEYXt dLG.#U]slQf(0opbv8whw1ekp{ foKV6_)!5^8nNg:b| @EjfZ :CN @G ,, #/1*7i+z{y!`A z]E{LJvho8%tv gkRTER-* RE$ V OPCA#I(>Eh*]"26GSREFRESHED-'tABS. 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Portalsettings.Option --> Rainbow.UI.DataTypes.SettingOption - All home redirects now go to Default.aspx (no DeskyopDefault.aspx) - 25/03/2003 - Reorganized files in namespaces for a consistent organization Moved designers to Rainbow.UI.Design namespace Moved Mobile Modules to Rainbow.MobileModules (were Rainbow.UI.MobileControls) Moved Rainbow.Design.PictureLayouts.PictureItem to Rainbow.Design.PictureItem (this means you should update custom Picture Layouts) - Now all dir should represent the current namespaces. - Splitted all files that contain more than one classes: 1 file - 1 class - Now there is consistency between Namespaces and Directories - Removed DesktopBreadCrumbs from Rainbow\Design\DesktopLayouts use Rainbow.UI.WebControls.BreadCrumbs instead - Fixed plain TextEditor for multiline support. - Fixed batch files for compilation (please remove all #*.cs files!) - Fixed scripts by to avoid errors caused by staging user - 25/03/2003 - Fixed Layout BabyBlue. - Changed PortalSettings.PortalLayouts to PortalSettings.PortalLayoutPath - 24/03/2003 - Fixed: SignInType and SignInLocation and SignInPosition do not show Options... - 24/03/2003 - Fixed a bug on db creation the will raise a few errors. - Restored section on web.config (sfbug # 678638) - 24/03/2003 - Every module can now show who did the last update on it - Application_Error event is catched and a nice error message can be shown - Milestones tutorial module now support workflow. - Update.aspx.cs - Now we can specifiy a different db name other than Rainbow - SendNewsletter.aspx - Fixed some mispelled asp: tags - Shortcut / ShortcutAll - Fixed select module combo setting - Shortuctall module - Fix: shortcuts should not be displayed on GetModulesAllPortals list - New simple Module: RainbowVersion, see script this is the recommended way for install new modules - Updated web.config, some clean and some change on default settings (do diff on CVS to see all) - 24/03/2003 - Fixed Country and states lists in Registration page for international cultures. - Fixed css for buttons in msAlt style - Articles: fixed editbutton link - Announcements: fixed missing Title label - 23/03/2003 - Updated GetTabsParentProcedure - New procedure rb_ModulesUpgradeOldToNew - Removed legacy code: - Yahe (use other editors) - Old HTML editor (current module will be upgraded to HTML one) - Old Search (current module will be upgraded to new one) - 22/03/2003 - Fixed UpdateTab stored procedure to prevent assigning ParenttabID that would orphan the tab or cause an infinte loop. (restored) - Updated Tablayout to raise error. - Added cancel button on TabLayout. - Added overload in BuildUrl for accept language. - 21/03/2003 - Fixes the fact that you can't delete a tab even though you've removed all the modules from it. (Makes the tabsettings for that tab cascade delete when the tab is deleted). John Bowen - Updated mk.bat for compile rainbow without visualstudio - Fixed some problems with db update and scripts... now it works neat with dbo user.... - 20/03/2003 - Big improvement in db installation: New autoupdate db code Simply run the site and Rainbow will update db for you!! - Fixed the email sending in the workflow process - 19/03/2003 - Quick access to module properties for administrators right from module properties. - Easily move modules from tab to another. (update db with new procedure) The control will be set on the same pane and on the same order of the original page. - Improved globalized controls and design time support Now it returns translation if available and not key - Improved Autolearn, less overhead when disabled. - Fixed a small bug for sending emails in signin module The sender address is now configurable in the web.config. - 18/03/2003 - I have removed ThemeWebPath, LayoutsWebPath, MenuClientPath keys from web.config. They are hardcoded on Portalsettings now. This will remove all "Theme not found" or "missing layout" errors. - For menu you should remove custom client paths from all Layouts and ensure you have the menu script on your Rainbow directory: Rainbow.Settings.Path.ApplicationRoot + "/aspnet_client/DUEMETRI_UI_WebControls_HWMenu/1_0_0_0" This will remove all problems with disappeared menus reported on forums - Improved error handling if theme or layout not found - Improved paths consistency - Fixed search on HTMLmodule - Restored HTML tags on Articles module - 16/03/2003 Manu: Some code fixing. News DataType HtmlEditorDataType for easily add Html editor choice on your pages. See implementation in Html module and articles. DB changes Many people have asked to remove staging user in workflow and use a prefix on tables. This patch do de work. In future all workflow will be updated using prefix tables. You find update on DBinstall folder. John Bowen - March 13, 2003 SCRIPT TO CHANGE ALL 'STAGING' OWNED OBJECTS OVER TO 'DBO' OWNERSHIP. ** CREATES NEW TABLES ([st_tableName]) ** COPIES DATA FROM OLD STAGING TABLES TO NEW ** MODIFIES (28) AFFECTED STORED PROCEDURES TO USE NEW TABLES ** DROPS OLD STAGING TABLES ** DROPS STAGING USER FROM DB - 15/03/2003 - Added FreeTextBox - Copyright (c) 2003, John Dyer As optional editor on HTML module. - 13/03/2003 - Updated menu script for Opera 7 browsers - Keep on cleaning modules code and applying new rules - Fix on menu top by mochuelo - Changed Articles list - New globalized control HyperLinkColumn - 12/03/2003 - Fixed bug on PortalSearch Reflection - Fixed bug on Portalsearch SearchSqlSelect - Improved searchable modules: Links, Milestones, Event, HtmlModule - Restored Cancel event on Register and Register full modules - Added RegularExpressionValidator globalized control - 12/03/2003 - DB UPDATE REQUIRED - New Property on Links module by Cory Isakson - Revised Section table by Manu - Added error management on GetSection - Fixed null translation on missign value on dll - 11/03/2003 - Fixed bug "If UsePortal setting is false, all links are broken". - Added ACtiveUp HTML TextBox V1.5 Rel. 2 for Rainbow License - Fixed bug on Shortut module loading - Fixed bug on Search init properties - 10/03/2003 by Jes - SignIn and Register are now "full" modules: placeable, conform to theme, switchable title,etc. Configuration options added to portal custom settings to control Default/Alt Theme, ShowTitle, etc, TODO: proper localization of setting options - Signin module is now configurable to appear in left, center or right column, on Home page only or on all pages. - New module added (SignInLink) which shows SignIn and Register links - portal can be configured to use SignInLink instead of SignIn module. - Automatic insertion of SignIn can be disabled altogether - SignIn module can still be placed manually on any tab - Logon.aspx, Register.aspx and RegisterFull.aspx now all use the relevant modules - new property ShowTabs added to PortalSettings - value set by adding ShowTabs="true/false" to Banner tag in aspx page - TODO: make DeskTopNavigation obey ShowTabs to prevent tabs displaying on admin pages, etc. - 09/03/2003 - A lot of fixes and code cleaning - Milestones module added on the code as a Tutorial see: - 07/03/2003 Manu - A lot of fixes and code cleaning - 07/03/2003 No db updates :) by Jes - Smoothed out page event inheritance hierarchy - placed security checks and cache flushing - title display is now switchable - Added a file to security folder "signinenum.cs", part of next changes about configuring sign in options per portal by Manu - Page.cs, added delegates and events. by Ender - I've fixed smtg in Tab and TabLayout (admin) modules that has been annoying me for sometime. You know when you hit the up or down arrow in these pages, module or tabs' order is changed. But the selection gets lost. In other words if you want to move a tab to TWO upper levels, you need to 1. Select the tab from the list 2. Hit the up button 3. Select the tab AGAIN 4. Hit the up button It gets really annoying if you need to move a tab all the way up/down in the list. - 05/03/2003 - Improved and fixed core localization code (localize class). Now it is really clean. In the next few days we will replace all legacy localization code on modules and aspx pages. The new mode use: - SQL or MSDE instead of Access - Defines a culture table - Updates Countries and States list - Include all available translations - Has Autolearning feature to track key usage and insert provided translations on db (no autotranslation like google, it inserts the text that the module creator defines) - Include a consistent way to see how the keys are used (Sections table) - New webconfig key: - Great changes on db, you cannot go back! Look ad DBinstall folder. The files are zipped to prevent CVS changes! - Install 1.1.x - This is for new database only - Upgrade 1.1.x to - Upgrade to this version. IMPORTANT: The upgrade cannot be repeated safely. BACKUP YOUR DB, take notice of any ERROR (ignore warnings) and post on forums any problem. From now on all patches will be intended for upgrading one version to another. - The patch drops [rblang_Language] table. Save any custom data BEFORE applying the patch. Other misc bugfixing: - Fixed Page.cs support on Visual Studio at Design time - Globalasax.cs updates by tiptoweb and jes - Url quick singin improvement for using aliases too: Call logon.aspx with you user and password: http://localhost/rainbow/Admin/Logon.aspx?usr=admin&pwd=admin (This works if you use DNS for switching portals) If you want to use alias: http://localhost/rainbow/Admin/Logon.aspx?usr=admin&pwd=admin&alias=demo - Fixed shortuct module for modules that define Title on other init procedure like HtmlModule - 02/03/2003 Must reapply patch guys!! Run applypatchonly.bat in dbinstall dir! - Fixed a bug on dbpatch. - Fixed and improved serach code (almost finished) - 02/03/2003 - Completely rewritten localization support wit autolearning feature!!! - Currently implemented in: Signin module Blacklist Module Access denied pages - New cache implementation by Jes - Fixed deadlock bug in globalasx.cs by Thierry (tiptopweb) - 01/03/2003 - Updated Breadcrumbs code. Now it is a more powerful Table Webcontrol with customizable separator and design time support - Fixed bug in latest search dbpatch - Fixed shortucts modules and Buildurl issues. Now property page runs fine. Now they are more consistent (Shortcut all inherits from Shortcut) - 28/02/2003 Must reapply patch guys!! Run applypatchonly.bat in dbinstall dir! - New workflow support with approve and reject. Email confimation. by Geert - Fixed Windows Authentication User Problem - Cory - Fixed Persist login when switching portal Alias problem - Cory - New pluggable search module (unfinished, we need to add more modules) - by Manu and Jakob - 28/02/2003 Must reapply patch guys!! Run applypatchonly.bat in dbinstall dir! - Fixed subtabs issue after latest mods - Manu - Finished Articles module (TODO: Translations, Workflow support and search) - Some bugfixes in and out - 26/02/2003 - Fix in add a module definition fails...line 145 in ModuleDefinitions.aspx.cs. - Added old overload in Page.cs for backward compatibility - Fixed control creation in Html edit - 25/02/2003 Must reapply patch guys!! Run applypatchonly.bat in dbinstall dir! Manu changes: URL Management - Better URL management and some bug fixed in urlbuilder. - Fixed some strange issues with URL builder. Now should work fine and in a more consistent way. - Moved url handling code from httphandler to httpurlmodule so that all code for managing urls is in a same place. - Fixed complex url handling (dir + page), now passes all attributes correctly - Fixed Menu navigation for third level menu and mode (run dbpatch) - Fixed nasty bug on Title and urlbuilder, now porperty page for the editor works nicely Localization - Fixed language attribute in querystring. Now it is passed correctly in all pages that use urlbuilder. - Added new localizable controls the automatically lookup translation No need for separate translation routines: just use the new label or literal control and set the TextKey property Modules - New articles module (still unfinished) Pages - Changed the way title checks if show buttons. Now it is tested the url only. - Predefined text for button is provided so you have to change only if different. Property URL is built in so is always shown. If you want to hide in some module you should set the URL as empty. - Page.cs completely rewritten for a better performance. Now the elements are retrieved only if needed. Many changes in derivate classes to conform to new page implementation. Can be some little bug. Please let me know if something is wrong. The OnUpdate / OnEdit / OnDelete method was modified to pass EventArgs Html Edit - Rewritten HTML edit module, now you can select your favourite editor by a menu! - Rewritten HTML edit module to use new ActiveUP control (binary licensed to rainbow: thanks Cory!!) - Rewritten HTML edit module to use new Yahe control (source included wit permission). Cory changes: - New Active up HTML editor. Professional editor licensed to Rainbow. Tabsettings and page changes: - New table TabSettings and new classes for add/edit custom tab settings - New head implementation in page.cs supporting css, metadata and other search engines facilities. All settings can be modified per portal base (defaults for all the portal) and per tab basis if needed. There are two settings in tab custom settings you might not understand TabKeyPhrase and TabUrlKeyword TabUrlKeyword is to give people the option of having a keyword added to their url helps people distinguish sections easier and makes search engines index better (only slightly though) so if one tab was about us you could enter about-us then when someone goes to the url it is more recognisable TabKeyPhrase is a bit trickier, the reason for this is again search engine optimisation and this one is for theme builders the TabKeyPhrase is to go at the top of the page just after body or close after before any script or code etc. The reason being that search engines give priority to where text is placed if you have your keyphrase at the top it will read it first and think it is the main thing the page is about on my current site it is used on every page before the tables etc and it looks like part of the site. - 17/02/2003 - Fixed a bug in the menu display after Tabindex removing - Added new GetRootTab procedure on portalsettings - New workflow icons - Fixed bug in workflow code (Desktoptitle.cs) - Breadcrumbs classes added in breadcrumbs layouts. - Fixed Lyrys samples smtp call - Fixed workflow dbpatch. - Fixed problem ordering tabs (reapply dbpatch) - 16/02/2003 - Fixed a bug on HttpUrlBuilder.cs - I have missed committing some files last version. Are on CVS now. - New Minimalist thumbnails layout - 15/02/2003 - New helper class HttpUrlBuilder for dynamically build URLs - New global.asax.cs Application_BeginRequest management - Modified HttpUrlModule to reflect new changes - Portal wide substitution of all urls in managed urls - New proxy class on helpers - 14/02/2003 - Fixed Paging in pictures module - Send Password localize completed - 12/02/2003 - New feature in signin module: "Send Password". Requires new language.dll. - 11/02/2003 - New workflow implementation by Geert.Audenaert@Syntegra.Com (BETA) - Tab/subtab fixing and Tabindex removed (BETA) - 03/02/2003 - Fixed Set portalalias equal to domain name in globalasax.cs - Strip www code. - Fixed redirect in Desktopdefault - Fixed mispelled "Tahoma" font in the CSS files for MenuMS and Default (Thanks to Gene Rodrigues). - 30/01/2003 - Breadcrumbs update Ver. 1.1 - 31. jan 2003 by jes I made some crude changes to the breadcrumbs control. First, there was a problem that it didn't pick up the TabIndex, so I changed that. Plus, I didn't like that it made the current page a clickable link, so I changed that. Then I wanted it in a table so I could control it's formatting a bit more, so I changed it from a simple placeholder to a table. - Signin is now a pluggable module (as any other). It disappears magically if the user has logged in. - 30/01/2003 - Rewritten populateRoles and added new unauthenticated user role. Remember to add admins too or you cannot edit module. This add a new feature (an automatic role that can used eg for modules informing non authenticated user how-to login) This also fixes a bug in IBS: Partial roles names are treated as equal: if you have a photo role and a myphoto role, the myphoto takes the permission of photo. - 29/01/2003 - Fixed PicturesDB on CVS - Customized Portal title prefix in web.config - Add guid to signin module - Module GUID Throw an exception if not override in derived modules (Cannot mark class and property as abstract for VS incompatiblity) - New PowerGrid control - 23/01/2003 - Incorporated PictureAlbum beta 2 on core (by Ender) (please remove existing Picture album before upgrade: Pictures Table and general modules entry for picture module) - 22/01/2003 - Defult cache is now 0 for both PortalSettingCaching and ModuleOverrideCache Seems to make some problem if you do not know it is on ADVICE: Use cache on production sites, remove it when developing - 22/01/2003 - Fixed a bug on ModuleOverrideCache - Fixed bug Editor.ascx for working with .NET 1.1 - Fixed viewstate in shortcut and set pageload code to execute first time only. - Restored missing documents folder in CVS - Changed help on dbinstall\setup.bat - Fixed cascade delete (reapply dbpatch) - 21/01/2003 - Added caching features to boost performance - New wb.config keys: - PortalSettingCaching: Caches portalsetting - ModuleOverrideCache: Override default cache for modules (no admin) - 17/01/2003 - Cleaned up security classes. Moved all code to PortalSecurity class. Added new method for redirection in case of unauthorized access. - Fixed a bug on Logon.aspx, now redirects on home is user is logged on. The logon box is displayed only if user is not authenticated. You can logon adding userid and password on querystring if successful authenticates and go home, if not you get access denied page. - Added new property ShowLogon on HeaderMenu control - Added layout UpperLogon to test new feature (Thanks to jbowen for the idea and original source code 09-01-2003) - Updated menu control. Now you can specify your own images. Update client path (you have to change layouts!) - Added new module Newsletter/Blacklist to the core! - See newsletter-readme.txt (By Manu/Jackob) - Added OneFile module to the core! - See onefile_readme.txt (By Jackob) - Added IFrame module to the core! - See iframe-readme.txt (By Jackob) - Fixed mk.bat to compile and link embedded resources (now you can compile and run even if you do not have visual studio :) ) - 15/01/2003 - Modified logon.aspx - Moved authentication code on security folder - 14/01/2003 - Optionally remove www. from beginning of domain name (by DarkLight 10/01/2003) - 09/01/2003 - Fixed mk.bat dll name - 08/01/2003 - Fixed an issue with default values in pane style (only DUEMETRI.UI.WebControls.Panes.dll) - Modified DesktopTitle code so you can use Title property from your Modules to override the Title specified in the database. - Fixed Edit Portal Default Layout Blank and bug #659609 Layout/Theme flaw by Abain Cory Isakson - Fixed UpdateTab stored procedure (please apply DBpatch) to prevent assigning ParenttabID that would orphan the tab or cause an infinte loop. - New BreadCrumbs control by Cory Isakson (please apply DBpatch) - New BreadCrumbs Layout - Minor fixes on code - Improved SubTabsVert layout - Bugfix #656794 'Menu rendering adds all tabs' on MenuNavigation.cs by abain - Makefile for recompile without VisualStudio (see mk.bat) - Added dropdown combo for layouts by Cory Isakson - Fixed a bug that caused an endless loop on portalsettings. - Removed CVS dirs from Themes and Layouts lists - New babyblue Layout - Fixed the Text for the Delete Confirmation, now displays correctly. - Fixed some errors on dbpatch that prevents installing new modules - Removed source control error on open - Tabs fix. This fix allows for unlimited depth of the child tabs, shows orphans in the tabs list, and allows re-ordering of the tabs without problems. I also changed the tabs select list in tabs.aspx to be 400px wide and 400px high. (Cory Isakson) - Fixed Images path on HTML Module V2 - Fixed dbpatch for including HTML Module V2 - New search module by Jackob Hansen (see readme on desktopmodules dir) - Fixed bug on DesktopPanes.ascx in menu ms layout - Fixed bug on Menu control (ClientPath on design mode get error) - Fixed more than 50 warnings and typos on XML help - Packaged all code as release on SourceForge - Webcontrols sourcecode and help is available as separate download - Fixed announcements module: start date now can be set via propertypage - Localization of announcements module and minor fixes complete - Localization of contacts module and minor fixes complete - Localization of events module and minor fixes complete - Fixed bug on discussion.ascx: show images - Fixed bug on discussion.ascx: new window on add - Fixed bug on discussion.ascx: changed new item permission to add - Fixed bug on contacts.ascx: changed new item permission to add - Fixed bug on contactsedit.aspx: now update button saves correctly - Fixed bug registerfull.aspx: Invalid key ADRESS corrected - Fixed bug usermanage.aspx: New User page Send Newsletter text was repeated - Fixed bug on destopnavigation.cs: Now ignores invalid subtabs passed via querystring - Now the multiportal option via querystring run smoothly Type rainbow/desktopdefault.aspx?alias= to switch portal If you are logged on automatically you will be logged off from the current portal and need to reconnect. It is recommended anyway to close browser if you want to move from one portal to another. Some problems may be with IE cache that thinks to be on the formerly portal. Anyway one refresh or two could help. - Fixed missing procedure in discussion module - Fixed loading XML docs in XML module - Added Documents dir to CVS in base _rainbow portal dir - Improved shortcuts (single and all) for a better readability. Now everything should work. There are some issues left with modules that save custom data in their own dir (xml, documents). Now the only way to share modules between different portals is to use the same dir for all portals. - Translated some hardcoded strings (need db patch update) - Added module handler for eliminate querystring (see web.config for help) - Add MenuClientPath to the webconfig - Changed portal alias behavior in global.cs - Menu and sub menu updated - Subtabs updated - Add HTML Editor by Jackob Hansen - Add new languages support (NL, DA, FR, IS) - Fixed Mobile support (remember to enable specific modules from admin console) - Removed "Always show edit..", due to changes on rainbow security has no sense. Use Authenticated users role if you want to show edit buttons or All users... - 19/11/2002 - Correct a bug in db script - Updated default layouts - Updated Resources/Language.mdb - Please note that from 20/11/2002 language database is available as a separate download Manu - 18/11/2002 - Correct SQL script and simplified DB creation - Updated install instructions - Add default data in modules data table - Correct a bug in documents module that prevented changing data without uploading new file - Removed unused module 'Admin/UserManager.ascx' from DB - Sorted up defaults layouts, renamed MenuMS to MenuMs - Updated DUEMETRI.UI.WebControls.Panes.dll Manu - 15/11/2002 - Add predefined Authenticated Users than automatically groups all registered users that had logged in - Cleaned up HTML module Manu